When it comes to making money on OnlyFans, one of the easiest ways to get new subscribers is through posting on Tiktok. Whether you are doing OnlyFans yourself or you are already an established agency - we will help you to get your TikTok game on the next level.

1. Warming up the Account

Since TikTok tries to fight bots as hard as possible, every „inhuman“ account activity will result in a shadowban or in the account being deleted permanently.

That being said, when it comes to creating new accounts, you want to look as „normal“ as possible:

What you wanna do is:

1. Scroll the ForYou-Page in the first days, ideally about 10min a day

2. Like a few videos

3. Scroll through the comment section

But most importantly, here are the things you DONT want to do on new accounts (less than 24h old):

1. Instantly add a profile pic/ Bio/ Username

2. Follow more than 10 people

3. Post any type of content

If you do it right, Tiktok will identify you as a „authentic account“, and reward you with more reach and therefore more account growth in total.

2. Pattern Recognition

When it comes to OnlyFans, every woman (or man) has a different situation in case of her own possibilities.

If you look at the NBA, the players in the team play different positions based on their strengths and weaknesses.

You have to approach Tiktok from the same point of view.

A girl with a very cute smile will always have a higher chance of going viral when she shows her face a lot.

A girl with large breasts is likely to get more views if she shows them more often.

These so called „patterns“ will give you the ideal blueprint of structuring her tiktoks in a way, so that she intentionally goes viral.

No more hoping and praying, that a video MIGHT go viral some day.

Its time to professionalize the whole approach towards Tiktok.

Now, it’s not possible to predict the pattern of a girl. Maybe she has a beautiful face, but the videos where she doesn’t show her face are getting the most views. 

Its up to you to analyze and understand her patterns, based of her previous videos & views.

3. TikTok Tracking

The easiest but simultaneously most important cheat code to 10x your traffic is to track your Tiktok data and act accordingly.

Once you have a detailed and professional overview over the important metrics you can strategically adjust your output.

Especially when it comes to professional agencies, we highly suggest to start tracking your Tiktok data professionally. 

You will not only save a lot of time, because you can have a detailed overview over every metric in 5 seconds, you will also be able to analyze metrics which TikTok doesn’t even want you to see them. 

If you have read everything so far, you will already understand the importance of finding the right pattern. If you wanna take this business seriously, you need an overview over every viral video, in order to truly understand the potential patterns.

There are a few of TikTok tracking tools out there, but unfortunately the main problem with them is the inaccuracy and the risk of getting the account banned (which is what you obviously dont want).

So we decided to develop a TikTok tracking software, that provides every useful feature for OnlyFans Agencies, to maximize their revenue. But besides that, our main focus was the professionalism involved. 

Our software is 100% safe and will never result in any ban. 

Learn more about the CreatorHero Software and the included TikTok tracking here.